Kamis, 29 April 2010
Kingsoft Office Professional 1033. + Crack
Kingsoft Office Professional 1033. + Crack
a compact, Microsoft Office Compatible, no cross training required office suite with Writer,
Spreadsheets and Presentation. It has all of the features you have come to expect from your
modern office software and a familiar layout allowing you to implement it at home, work or
*Powerful and improved Writer, Spreadsheets, Presentation, and PDF output capabilities
*Enhanced Microsoft® Office compatibility and conversion
*Online purchase price of RM299, rental options and volume discounts for businesses
*Rebuilt on a new code-base, non-Java platform, thus faster loading time
*No learning period – familiar layout, immediate application of your Microsoft Office
Kingsoft Office adalah software Alternative Microsoft Office
Compatible :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Powerpoint
Hasil output bisa diekspor ke format PDF
Mempercepat Telkomsel Flash dengan DNS Server list
adalah distribute database system yang digunakan untuk pencarian
nama komputer (name resolution) di jaringan yang mengunakan
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol).
DNS biasa digunakan pada aplikasi yang terhubung ke Internet
seperti webbrowser atau e-mail, dimana DNS membantu memetakan
host name sebuah komputer ke IP address. Selain digunakan di
Internet, DNS juga dapat di implementasikan ke private network
atau intranet dimana DNS memiliki keunggulan seperti:
1. Mudah, DNS sangat mudah karena user tidak lagi direpotkan
untuk mengingat IP address sebuah komputer cukup host name
(nama Komputer).
2. Konsisten, IP address sebuah komputer bisa berubah tapi host
name tidak berubah.
3. Simple, user hanya menggunakan satu nama domain untuk
mencari baik di Internet maupun di Intranet.
DNS dapat disamakan fungsinya dengan buku telepon. Dimana setiap
komputer di jaringan Internet memiliki host name (nama komputer)
dan Internet Protocol (IP) address. Secara umum, setiap client yang
akan mengkoneksikan komputer yang satu ke komputer yang lain,
akan menggunakan host name. Lalu komputer anda akan
menghubungi DNS server untuk mencek host name yang anda minta
tersebut berapa IP address-nya. IP address ini yang digunakan
untuk mengkoneksikan komputer anda dengan komputer lainnya.
DNS server:
SService provider: ScrubIt
dns server address:
Service provider:dnsadvantage
Dnsadvantage free
dns server list:
Service provider:OpenDNS
OpenDNS free
dns server list:
Service provider: vnsc-pri.sys.gtei.net
Public Name server
IP address:
Official name: nsphil.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: home4.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: nyc1-qwest.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: nyc2-qwest.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: nyc1-gtei.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: nyc2-gtei.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: boston1-qwest.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: boston2-qwest.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: boston1-gtei.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: boston2-gtei.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: ns.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: ns1.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: ns2.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: vzdns01.verizon.com.
IP address:
Official name: dnsauth1.
IP address:
Official name: dnsauth2.
IP address:
Official name: dnsauth3.
IP address:
Official name: dnspri.
IP address:
Official name: ns1.qwest.net
IP address:
Official name: ns2.qwest.net
IP address:
Official name: ns3.qwest.net
IP address:
Official name: SVL-ANS-01.INET.qwest.net
IP address:
Official name: DCA-ANS-01.INET.qwest.net
IP address:
Default Server: vnsc-pri.
Default Server: vnsc-bak.
Default Server: vnsc-lc.
Official name: nsdc.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Official name: home1.bellatlantic.net
IP address:
Verizon (Reston, VA, US)
GTE (Irving, TX, US)
One Connect
IP (Albuquerque, NM, US)
Exetel (Sydney, AU)
VRx Network Services (New York, NY, US)
SpeakEasy (Seattle, WA, US)
Sprintlink (Overland Park, KS, US)
Cisco (San Jose, CA, US)
Cara menggantinya :
1. Buka control panel –> network connection
2. klik kanan jenis koneksi flash yg anda pake (volume Based ato time
3. klik properties –> di tab paling atas yg ada general, option,
security, networking, klik tab networking
4. di bagian bawah, pilih Internet protocol, lalu klik properties
nah dari situ anda pasti sudah tau kan ganti” DNS-nya.
klo yg pke flash,IP jgn diganti, ntar malah error....!!!
Cukup DNS nya saja..
CheckPoint ZoneAlarm Extreme
For a year or so, Check Point Software has maintained two very different computer security solutions. ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite 2009 offers standard protection highlighted by top-tier firewall and antispam components. ZoneAlarm ForceField specifically protects against browser-based threats using virtualization, Web-site analysis, keylogger jamming, and other advanced techniques. The two technologies are finally combined in ZoneAlarm Extreme Security. The new product adds hosted online backup and PC tune-up, making it a very complete suite indeed. In fact, it’s the biggest challenger Norton Internet Security has seen in a couple of years.
Rapidshare Auto Downloader 3.5.1 Final Version
Rapidshare Auto Downloader 3.5.1 Final Version
A software for automatic download of rapidshare.com links for free users. Rapidshare Auto Downloader is a handy automatic downloader for rapidshare.com users.
Size: 6.11 MB
OS: Windows All
License: Freeware
Wondershare YouTube Downloader v1.3.8.8
Wondershare YouTube downloader is a custom-built tool to free download YouTube video and convert YouTube flv to avi, wmv, mpeg, mov, etc. This YouTube downloader not only free download youtube video, but also can download other flash flv videos which use "http" protocol, such as Google video, Yahoo video, AOL video, Matecafe video, etc.
Key Features
Download any web videos, in any video formats
Free download YouTube video, any flash flv video.
YouTube downloader can free download any YouTube video, even protected videos which charge with Google checkout while downloading. In addition, this YouTube downloader can download any other flash flv videos from internet, for instance.
Google Flv Video
Yahoo Flv video
AOL Flv video
Matecafe Flv video
Dailymotion Flv video
And more!
Powerful flash flv converter, convert flash flv to avi, wmv, mpeg
Wondershare YouTube downloader not just free download youtube video, but also can convert youtube flv to avi, wmv, mpeg, mov, etc, which are compatible with iPod, iPhone, PSP, Apple TV, Zune, and other mobile devices.
Batch download and batch convert, no limitation
Integrated powerful background processing unit affords to batch download and convert multiple YouTube video files at a time, no volume limitation, which functions as the Bit Torrent always streaming in quality-ensured You Tube video with 10X speed.
Search and download all "Related" videos at a time
"Related" function in this YouTube downloader will help you to search and download hundreds of videos which are related to the one you are downloading.
For example, you download one episode of "Desperate housewife", YouTube downloader will add all episodes of "Desperate housewife" into "Related", and then you can download all episodes at a time.
Automatically detect and download youtube video, easy to useYoutube downloader provides a friendly user interface, a sensitive sniffer to detect and download any youtube videos. Launch YouTube downloader and open the YouTube video which you want to download, that is enough.
Uniblue PowerSuite 2010 v incl Serial Number (License Key)
- Remove harmful registry entries to reduce errors and conflicts
- Defragment registry data to improve data processing efficiency
- Update old drivers for better hardware function
- Boost system resource management to avoid computer slowdowns
- Remove junk files to recover hard drive space
- Optimize system settings for maximum speed
| 15.44 MB |
CCleaner v 2.31.1153 | A system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool
CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and make your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download.
Cleans the following :
- Web Browser: Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
- Windows : Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files
- Registry cleaner : Advanced features to remove unused and old entries, including File Extensions, ActiveX Controls, ClassIDs, ProgIDs, Uninstallers, Shared DLLs, Fonts, Help Files, Application Paths, Icons, Invalid Shortcuts and more... also comes with a comprehensive backup feature.
- Third-party applications : Removes temp files and recent file lists (MRUs) from many apps including Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Microsoft Office, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and many more...
- 100% Spyware FREE : This software does NOT contain any Spyware, Adware or Viruses.
- Improved Opera favicon cleaning by only deleting non-bookmarked entries.
- Detailed view can now be set as default in Advanced options.
- Added support to save Startup items to a text file.
- Added new INI variable for Local Low folder %locallowappdata%.
- Improved OpenOffice 3.x support.
- Improved Quicktime player cache cleaning when in Protected Mode.
- Fixed bug where Summary panel text could be edited.
- Fixed bug in Uninstall Tool for Windows 2008 R2.
- GUI improvements to Cookie screen.
- Include/Exclude screen sorts entries in alphabetical order.
- Number formatting is more accurate in Cleaner results.
- Various minor bug fixes.
| 3.22 MB |
Rabu, 28 April 2010
404 Page Not Found Yang Lucu dan Menarik
Anda mungkin sudah mengetahui bahwa halaman 404 Page Not Found akan kita temukan pada suatu website yang artikelnya tidak kita temukan atau salah menulis alamatnya. Secara umum, halaman 404 ditentukan oleh browser yang kita gunakan. Tapi sebagai webmaster, Anda bisa mengubahnya sendiri dengan mengedit file .htacces pada website Anda. Dengan ini, Anda dapat mengarahkannya ke url lain atau mengganti halamannya menjadi lebih menarik.
Tapi dalam posting ini, kita tidak membahas tentang bagaimana caranya merubah halaman 404 pada website. Tapi Saya hanya ingin menunjukkan beberapa halaman 404 Page Not Found yang dibuat oleh webmaster krratif.
Setelah melihat halaman 404 diatas, bagaimana pendapat Anda?
Mengapa 404 Artinya Halaman Tidak Ditemukan?
Apakah Anda pernah bertanya-tanya tentang halaman 404 Not Found? Mengapa halaman yang tidak ditemukan dinyatakan dengan kode 404? Jika Anda bertanya-tanya, pada posting ini Anda akan menemukan jawabannya. Kode HTML dipilih oleh W3C dan mereka memilih kode dengan beberapa alasan dan makna.
404 adalah kode HTML dengan status “Tidak Ditemukan”. Setiap Anda mengunjungi sebuah halaman di web, Anda akan meminta untuk koneksi HTTP ke server. Sebelum data dikirim, server mengirim beberapa HTTP Header. Header HTTP terdiri dari status kecil tentang sambungan atau alamat yang Anda minta. Jika server tidak mengenali alamat atau path folder server tidak terdiri dari alamat yang Anda minta, maka akan kembali muncul kode status 404 yang berarti halaman tidak tersedia atau Tidak Ditemukan.
Jika halaman normal maka statusnya akan dalam kode 200. Akan sama halnya jika ada kesalahan di sisi-klien, maka akan muncul kode 4xx dan 2xx jika ada masalah pada server-side.
Daftar Kode Respon Normal
- “100″ ; Section 10.1.1: Continue / Lanjutkan
- “101″ ; Section 10.1.2: Switching Protocols
- “200″ ; Section 10.2.1: OK
- “201″ ; Section 10.2.2: Created / Telah Dibuat
- “202″ ; Section 10.2.3: Accepted
- “203″ ; Section 10.2.4: Non-Authoritative Information / Info Tidak Resmi
- “204″ ; Section 10.2.5: No Content
- “205″ ; Section 10.2.6: Reset Content
- “206″ ; Section 10.2.7: Partial Content
- “300″ ; Section 10.3.1: Multiple Choices
- “301″ ; Section 10.3.2: Moved Permanently / Dipindahkan secara permanent
- “302″ ; Section 10.3.3: Found / Ditemukan
- “303″ ; Section 10.3.4: See Other
- “304″ ; Section 10.3.5: Not Modified
- “305″ ; Section 10.3.6: Use Proxy / Gunakan Proxy
- “307″ ; Section 10.3.8: Temporary Redirect
Daftar Kode Kesalahan Server Side
- “200″ ; Section 10.2.1: OK
- “201″ ; Section 10.2.2: Created
- “202″ ; Section 10.2.3: Accepted
- “203″ ; Section 10.2.4: Non-Authoritative Information
- “204″ ; Section 10.2.5: No Content
- “205″ ; Section 10.2.6: Reset Content
- “206″ ; Section 10.2.7: Partial Content
Daftar Kode Kesalahan Client Side
- “400″ ; Section 10.4.1: Bad Request / Permintaan: Buruk
- “401″ ; Section 10.4.2: Unauthorized
- “402″ ; Section 10.4.3: Payment Required / Pembayaran Dibutuhkan
- “403″ ; Section 10.4.4: Forbidden
- “404″ ; Section 10.4.5: Not Found
- “405″ ; Section 10.4.6: Method Not Allowed
- “406″ ; Section 10.4.7: Not Acceptable
- “407″ ; Section 10.4.8: Proxy Authenti ation Required
- “408″ ; Section 10.4.9: Request Timeout
- “409″ ; Section 10.4.10: Conflict
- “410″ ; Section 10.4.11: Gone
- “411″ ; Section 10.4.12: Length Required
- “412″ ; Section 10.4.13: Precondition Failed
- “413″ ; Section 10.4.14: Request Entity Too Large
- “414″ ; Section 10.4.15: Request-URI Too Large
- “415″ ; Section 10.4.16: Unsupported Media Type
- “416″ ; Section 10.4.17: Requested range not satisfiable
- “417″ ; Section 10.4.18: Expectation Failed
- “500″ ; Section 10.5.1: Internal Server Error
- “501″ ; Section 10.5.2: Not Implemented
- “502″ ; Section 10.5.3: Bad Gateway
- “503″ ; Section 10.5.4: Service Unavailable
- “504″ ; Section 10.5.5: Gateway Time-out
- “505″ ; Section 10.5.6: HTTP Version not supported
Maaf ya untuk daftar kode yang panjang dan membosankan diatas. Saya hanya ingin Anda bisa lebih banyak mengetahui tentang ini..
Selasa, 27 April 2010
Zemana Antilogger 1.9.2 Free Download With 365 Registration Serial Key Code
Zemana AntiLogger is a spyware removal software that provide protection against the PC from key loggers, malware, SSL banker trojans, spyware and other activities that may pose a risk to personal privacy information. In addition, Zemana AntiLogger also able to protect username, password, and other sensitive login information to prevents malware or fraudulent websites from stealing the information. On the other hand, Zemana AntiLogger also can protect online communication application in preventing malware from tampering when in the transactions. Zemana Antilogger also comes with Anti-SSL Logger, Anti-Webcam Logger, Anti-Key Logger, Anti-Clipboard Logger, and Anti-Screen Logger technology to prevent harmful applications from capturing pictures and images of the computer screen.
Features of Zemana AntiLogger:
- Provides Secure Internet Banking and Safe Online Shopping.
- Anti-Webcam Logger that provides protection against Webcam Logger.
- Protects all screen images with Anti-Screen Logger.
- Protects keystrokes you enter with Anti-Key Logger Module.
- Protects all operations that use SSL protocol.
- Prevents harmful applications from taking snapshots of your clipboard.
- System Defence Module that protects your system.
- Defeat malware programs that seek to capture your sensitive data before it’s encrypted.
- Actively monitor and shut down keyloggers,SSL banker trojans, spyware, and other malware.
Zemana AntiLogger normally cost $34.99 for purchase. As part of promotional offer from PC Welt, now everybody can grab 1 years Zemana AntiLogger 1.9.2 license for free by follow the step below.
- Visit the following URL to register for free Zemana AntiLogger 1.9.2:
- Fill in the name, email address, and then click Senden button to register.
- An email will be sent to the registered email address with a license key or activation code in it for Zemana AntiLogger 1.9.2.
- The license code is actually the same for each and every people who requests it, which is 72C8-284B-5A83-5E2F.
- Download Zemana AntiLogger setup installer:AntiLogger_1.9.2.201.exe
Download Zemana AntiLogger setup installer:AntiLogger_1.9.2.203.exe - Install and enter the license key to enjoy the free full application.
Zemana AntiLogger 1.9.2 supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
Kamis, 22 April 2010
AVG Internet Security 9.0
AVG Internet Security akan memberikan perlindungan yang aman untuk anda ketika menjelajahi, menelusuri, mengunduh, bertransaksi perbankan, dan berbelanja online dengan aman. Dan melindungi komputer anda dari serangan-serangan seperti virus, spyware, adware dan trojan
Dengan AVG Internet Security, Anda senantiasa mendapatkan pengalaman online secara aman. Dengan beberapa lapis perlindungan dari Internet Security, Anda tidak perlu cemas dengan pencurian identitas, spam, atau virus. Dan ini bahkan mencegah Anda secara tidak sengaja mengunjungi situs berbahaya.
Keamanan yang lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas ini tidak akan memperlambat komputer Anda
- Bertransaksi perbankan dan berbelanja online dengan aman tanpa takut akan pencurian identitas berkat teknologi Perlindungan Identitas baru dari AVG
- Menjelajahi dan menelusuri dengan rasa yakin, dengan LinkScanner® memeriksa halaman web di saat yang paling menentukan – tepat sebelum Anda mengklik tautan itu
- Bertukar foto dan file lainnya dengan teman melalui IM dan jaringan sosial, aman dari risiko infeksi virus yang tak disengaja
- Mengunduh musik dan aplikasi dengan aman
- Menjaga kotak masuk Anda tetap bersih dari phisher, scammer, dan spammer sehingga Anda dapat fokus pada penggunaan email agar tetap terhubung dengan teman dan keluarga
- Nikmati performa pemindaian berkecepatan tinggi yang konsisten dengan pemindai virus modern yang BARU dari kami
AVG Internet Security Features :
- Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware : Perlindungan terhadap virus, spyware, adware dan trojan
- LinkScanner Search-Shield : Peringkat keselamatan waktu nyata untuk semua hasil penelusuran Google, Yahoo dan MSN/Live search
- LinkScanner Active Surf-Shield : Melindungi dari laman web yang terinfeksi secara waktu-nyata saat Anda menjelajah web
- Web Shield : Menyaring unduhan Anda dan mencegah infeksi tanpa sengaja melalui obrolan IM
- Anti-Rootkit : Perlindungan terhadap ancaman tersembunyi yang mengantarkan konten jahat/merusak
- Dukungan Gratis : Dukungan dan layanan gratis sepanjang waktu dan di seluruh dunia
- Firewall : Menghentikan peretas (hacker) dan penyebaran virus di internet
- Anti-Spam : Menangkap ancaman e-mail termasuk pencurian identitas (phishing), penipuan dan spam
Jangan lupa untuk remove Program Anti Virus lainnya sebelum memulai installasi Anti Virus AVG
- Download file setup AVG Anti Virus
- Lakukan Installasi
- Ketika proses instal sedang berlangsung dan muncul menu “Activate Your AVG License” , masukkan data dan serial yang terdapat dibawah postingan ini
- Lanjutkan Proses installasi sampai dengan selesai
- Finished
Jangan lupa setelah selesai untuk segera update Anti Virus AVG.
PES 2010 Game
- CPU: Intel Pentium 4 with 2.5 GHz or comparable processor
- Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce FX series or Ati Radeon 9700 series or better (128 MiByte, Pixel Shader 2.0)
- Memory: 1 GiByte
- Storage: Min. 8 GByte free disc space
Recommended System Requirements :
- CPU: Intel core 2 Dou with 2.0 GHz or comparable processor
- Graphics card: Nvidia Geforce 7900 GT or Ati Radeon HD 2400 series or better (256 MiByte, Pixel Shader 3.0)
- Memory: 2 GiByte
- Storage: Min. 8 GByte free disc space
2- You will find Crack + d3dx9_30 file + Setup Icon
3- Press on Setup Icon And Use The Following Serial
4- After Finish Installation Take d3dx9_30 file Copy And Go To C Partion then windows then system 32 and paste it
5- Reset your PC To Avoid Black Screen Problem
6- Lunch The Game From Crack
Ashampoo® HDD Control v 1.11
As long as the drive is functioning properly, you are lulled into a false sense of security. However, when the trusted hard drive suddenly fails, this is more than just a minor inconvenience. The resulting loss of data is often immensely damaging. Ashampoo HDD Control is therefore ideally suited to boost the performance of your drive, guard against disk failure and remove clutter from your hard drives, while performing all three functions of monitoring, maintenance and defragmentation.
Monitoring, clean-up and defragmentation
The Ashampoo HDD Control software performs hard disk maintenance for you. This involves taking measures to prevent potential failures and crashes before they occur. Towards this end, the program combines several functions available for the first time in this particular configuration.
The software supports all commonly available IDE and serial ATA drives. Please note, however, that devices connected to the system via USB, firewire or RAID controller often do not support this function. Based on the type of drive in use, Ashampoo HDD Control provides the user with all important facts and information, including the firmware version, number of configured partitions, drive space and current temperature. As the number of signs indicating that the drive could soon potentially fail begins to mount, the background guard signals an alarm. If you are not near your computer, the program can be set up to notify you of the alert by email. In the final report, the program also provides information on the health and performance of the hard drive shown in percentages.
Over time, an ever-growing number of unwanted and unneeded files accumulate on your hard drive and Ashampoo HDD Control is a useful tool to help you locate and delete these files. Temporary files, files in the recycling bin and backup copies are all removed. In addition, the software empties the cache, clears the browsing history and erases cookies from the Internet browser.
An empty space appears when you delete a file from your hard drive. This gap is then filled the next time a file is saved to disk. If not enough space is available to store the complete file in this space, it is broken up into fragments. Windows in turn saves these at different locations on the hard drive in order to make best use of the available gaps. For this reason, it is easy to understand why the computer takes longer to read the file, since it first of all needs to locate and assemble all the separate fragments. With its defragmentation module, Ashampoo HDD Control is able to read out file fragments and arrange these in one cluster on the hard drive to ensure rapid access. As a result, the hard drive needs to spin less while the performance remains unchanged. As an additional benefit, there is less demand placed on system resources.
Proactive defragmentation uses the time when you are not working to measure the level of disk fragmentation. If it needs to be defragmented, the process is started automatically.
Atomix VirtualDJ Pro v 6.0.8 Full Version | Portable
VirtualDJ is the hottest MP3 mixing software, targeting every DJ from bedroom DJs to professional superstars like Carl Cox. With its breakthrough BeatLock engine, your songs will always stay in the beat, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could.
The automatic seamless loop engine and the brand new synchronised sampler will let you perform astounding remixes live, with no preparation at all. The visual representation and the cues allow you to clearly see the song's structure, and never be surprised by a break anymore.
The vinyl controls will let you scratch like on a real turntable, except that with the beatlock engine your scratches will never end out of the beat. Add to that an infinite number of cue points you can save for each songs, a bunch of wonderful effects automatically beat-synchronised.
Features :
- Twin independent zero-latency players with : Standard controls (play, pause, stop, cue), Volume control, Pitch control (from -34 to +34%), 3 band equalizers with Kill + gain
- One-click beat matching and synchronisation (new FAME algorithm)
- BeatLock engine : your songs will always stay in time, and you can work your mixes incredibly faster than any other DJ could
- Automatic beat-matched crossfading
- On-the-fly automatic BPM calculation
- Automatic pitch matching
- Automatic level matching
- Automatic beat matching
- Dynamic beat visualizer for easy drag'n'drop beat-matching
- Real scratch simulation
- Virtual scratch: Scratch your mp3 with your bare hand
- Automatic beat-aware LOOP function
- Synchronised sampler with 12 instant slots
- Master Tempo pitch algorithm
- Automatic first beat and last beat detection
- Automatic 4/4 phase detection
- OSC network synchronisation
- Infinite number of beatlocked desks (local multi-instance or network)
- Infinite number of cue points saved per songs
- Beat-aware effect plugins (included: beatgrid, flippin, vocal remover, filter, flanger, backspin, brake, etc...)
- VST effects compatibility
- Video mix with TV output (mix songs and/or video clips !)
- Full karaoke support
- Proprietary of FreeFrame video effects
- Inifite number of video effect simultaneously
- DJ-adapted video transition plugins
- Song database engine with easy-to-use search feature
- CoverFlow or text-only song browsing
- Compatible with iTunes playlists
- ID3 compatibility
- Automatic filter folders
- Automatic Hot-Swap of external harddrives
- Ready-to-burn file recording to burn your own mixed CDs
- Broadcast on the Internet
- CD to MP3 encoder
- Optional 3D sound card, 2 sound cards or Y-splitter for real-time monitoring or external mixtable use
- ASIO soundcard compatibility
- Fully customisable (skin engine and shortcut macro enngine)
- External MIDI keyboard compatibility for shortcuts
- Compatibility with most external controllers (DMC2, DAC3, iCDX, TotalControl, BCD2000, DJConsole, etc...)
- Optional automatic mixing: Virtual DJ recognizes the style of the music (techno, hip hop, lounge) and adapt its mix in consequence
- Pentium III 850 MhZ
- 1024x768 SVGA video
- DirectX compatible soundcard
- 512 MB RAM
- 20 MB free on the hard-drive
- Pentium IV 3 GhZ
- 1024x768 SVGA video
- 4.1 DirectX compatible soundcard (with front and rear separate outputs)
- 1024 MB RAM
- 200 MB free on the hard-drive
- Dual Core 2 GhZ CPU
- ATI or nVidia video card w/256Mb of Dedicated DDR3 memory (dual output capable)
- 2048 MB RAM
Download Silverlight 4 for Windows and Mac OS X (Official Links)
Download Silverlight 4 for Windows and Mac OS X (Official Links)
The final version of Silverlight 4 has been released to web (RTW), which means the code development is done, and ready to be downloaded and installed on Windows and Mac OS X system. Silverlight is a web application framework to create interactive apps integrating multimedia, graphics, animation, video streaming for online web or offline desktop or mobile environment. In a sense, Silverlight is similar to Adobe Flash, and competes with Flash for popularity.
Silverlight 4 features support for Google Chrome web browser, in addition to Internet Explorer (IE6, IE7 and IE8), Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari already supported. Silverlight, as it’s a slimmed-down, cross-platform version of Microsoft’s Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) programming model, has its version 4 includes more WPF functionality. Silverlight 4 adds support for data binding, enterprise networking and printing.
In order to run web apps or web services developed by Silverlight 4 platform, a runtime has to be installed. Silverlight runtime works as a browser plug-in or add-on to support multimedia content. Any older or previous version of Silverlight, such as Silverlight 3, is also recommended to upgrade to Silverlight 4.
Silverlight 4 can be download from http://www.microsoft.com/getsilverlight/, or directly download the Silverlight 4 setup installer: Silverlight.exe
Trend Micro Internet Security 2010 Free Download With 1 Year Serial Key Number
Trend Micro Internet Security 2010 Free Download With 1 Year Serial Key Number
Trend Micro Internet Security is an easy-to-use, powerful Internet security suite that designed for protection against latest cyber criminals including virus, spyware, worms, Trojan horse and other malicious threats without affecting your computer performance, delivering smart protection for your home network.
Key Features of Trend Micro Internet Security 2010:
- Anti-virus engine protects your PC against viruses, worms, Trojan horse apps and more online threats
- Anti-spyware technology to safeguard your personal information and privacy against spyware, adware, rootkits and so forth
- Anti-spam technology to detect, block email and image spam
- Personal firewall defends against attacks from the Internet
- Prevents unauthorized changes to your applications
- Stops online phishing scams that try to steal your personal information like credit card or bank account numbers
- Blocks untrustworthy hyperlinks in email, websites and instant messages
- Enhanced parental controls block websites with inappropriate content based on specific categories
- Limit online time and duration for your children
- Automatically prevent suspicious application on USB devices from opening
Trend Micro Internet Security 2010 normally costs for $49.95 per 3-PC (single user) license. Anyway, interested users now can download Trend Micro Internet Security 2010 OEM version setup installer for free.
To grab a free copy of Trend Micro Internet Security 2010, follow these steps:
- Download setup installer for Trend Micro Internet Security 2010 from direct link below:
32-bit (Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7)
64-bit (Windows Vista and Windows 7) - Input this 1-year license key pfeo-9996-0691-8113-9527 (OEM version) of Trend Micro Internet Security 2010 for registration.
Jumat, 16 April 2010
DVD X Player Pro
- Support operation-free through which you can skip the FBI warning easily
- DVD X Player can determine disc type in the DVD drive automatically and choose the right play mode for DVD titles, video CDs, audio CDs or DivX/XviD Discs
- Auto-resume and Bookmarks let you jump right to the last viewed location of DVD
- Record your favorite DVD movie into MPEG2 video or MP3 audio file
- Split record video file to different size to fit on portable video player device
- Capture, browse and save the pretty pictures from your favorite movie
- Smart Stretch lets you enjoy any movie with 16:9 aspect ratio on any screen mode, without distortion
- Visualization enables DVD X Player to display multi-colored shapes and patterns that change in harmony with the audio track being played
- Freely select Echo, Amplify special audio effect and 10 bands preset Equalizer value
- Watch movie and meanwhile improve your foreign language by contrasting subtitle
- Repeat Mode and Leaning Mode let you loop playback or repeat the word and phrase you want to learn
- Playing your favorite digital photo as slide show with background music
- Playing video device such as DV, Web Cam, allows you to capture video frame
- Desktop Video enables you to watch DVD and work simultaneously!
- VCD1.1, VCD2.0, SVCD
- Audio-Video Interleaved (AVI)
- Motion Picture Experts Group (MPEG, MPG, M1V, DATMPA, MPE, MPV2)
- Windows Media Video (WMV)
- Advanced Streaming Format (ASF, ASX)
- Digital Video (DV, DV1)
- Video Object File (VOB)
- Intel Video Technology (IVF)
- QuickTime Content (MOV, QT)
- Real Networks Content (RM, RMVB)
- DivX (AVI)
- Flassh(SWF)
- Microsoft Waveform audio files (.WAV)
- AU (.AU)
- SND (.SND)
- Windows Media Audio (.WMA)
- MPEG Audio Layer-3 (.MP3, .MP2, .MP1, .MPA, .M2P, .M2A)
Download DVD X Player Pro v 5.4 incl Crack |20. MB|
TVU Player v
TVU uses a new broadcast technology called Real-Time Packet Replication. With this technology, all the viewers who are watching a channel at the same time are cooperating to give everyone the best possible signal. TVU's application does not create any new files on your hard disk because you're watching live TV.
TVU Player v screenshot |
Most exciting of all, viewers can become broadcasters using TVU networks' free Broadcast application. This application, combined with a standard-grade PC and a typical broadband Internet connection, allows anybody to become a broadcaster. This basic set-up allows any number of viewers world-wide to watch your channel.
Download TVU Player v |5.26 MB|
Ashampoo Anti-Malware v 1.1.1
- Two integrated engines of renowned software producers offer advanced protection from: viruses, trojans, worms, malware, rootkits, bots, spyware and adware
- During file execution and file copying, the onAccess guard offers maximum protection against all kind of threats before they can affect the entire system
- Heuristic analysis designed to detect unknown threats
- Protection against more than 3.000.000 potential threats from the web
- Rootkit Detector 2: Improved protection against invisible threats
- Compatible with Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit/64bit)
- BHO (Browser Helper Objects): Detects and blocks unwanted BHO installations (+disables them permanently if desired)
- Winsock-LSP (Layered Service Provider): Detects and blocks unwanted LSP installations (+disables them permanently if desired)
- Windows HOSTS file (anti pharming): Gives warning of Windows HOSTS file entries
- Autostart entries: Detects and blocks unwanted autostart entries (+disables them permanently if desired)
- ActiveX installations: Detects and blocks unapproved ActiveX installations
- “Live” logging: Displays all monitored objects of the real-time protection in a clearly arranged manner
- File Wiper: Completely eliminates all traces of sensitive files from your hard drive
- Internet Cleaner: Clear browser cache, cookies and internet history
- Hostsfile Checker: Reports suspicious entries (redirected DNS entries) in hosts file and blocks them on demand
- ADS Scanner: Search for invisible streams on NTFS volumes and erase them
- Start-up Tuner: Shut down inconvenient autostart entries at once
- Process Manager: Lists all active processes giving corresponding information and enables termination of suspicious processes
- Rootkit Detector 2: Searches the OS for hidden rootkits and removes them in an instance
- LSP Viewer: Administrate all installed Winsock layer that can influence network activity
- Whitelist: With the help of whitelist definitions, folders or files can be excluded from the search in order to prevent false alarms or speed up the scan process, if reassured that those folders/files are not infected (e.g. video folders)
- Self protection: Encryption algorithms secure the program’s safety mechanisms and the whitelist from external threats
- Scan administration: Integrated scheduler for automated scan process management
- User-defined scans: Create automated scan jobs
- Brand-new GUI: Innovative interface for even more intuitive and easy operation (recommended for first-time users)
- Customized file filter: Scan only specific formats or all files in order to achieve maximal security
- 1 year signature updates included
- Supported operating systems: Windows® XP (Service Pack 2), Windows Vista™ 32bit/64bit (Service Pack 1) and Windows® 7 32bit/64bit
- Free e-mail support
Download Ashampoo Anti-Malware v 1.1.1 incl Patch and KeyGen |82.6 MB|
Xilisoft DVD Ripper Ultimate 5 v 5.0.64 Build 0304
- Clip Into Segments : Clip several files; set time length according to your preference.
- Merge Several Into One : Collect several video files and merge into one output file.
- Split One Into Several : From one single file, split it into several part so you can fit them on your multimedia device.
- Crop Frame Size : Cut off unwanted area of a video to feature a highlight.
- Edit Display Effect : Adjust the display brightness, contrast and saturation. Create special effects on videos such as "Black and White" or "Old Film".
- Attach Subtitle : Add subtitle, and even change the font style, transparency, color and position.
- Add Watermark : Personalize your video by putting a watermark, which also doubles as ownership to the video to avoid piracy.
- Preview and Compare : Wanna see the effect after editing? Preview your edited video and compare the before and after files side-by-side.
- Diverse Profiles : Choose from a number of output profiles targeted especially for a certain multimedia device such as iPod, iPhone, PSP or PS3.
- Clone Titles : Users can clone several files but with different settings all at the same time.
- Rip One DVD to Several Files : Set several output files from one source and rip in one go.
- Calculate Output with Bit Rate Calculator : Know the output file size by calculating it with the Bit Rate Calculator even before your convert them.
- Batch Conversion : Supporting dual-core and multi-core CPU, convert in batches in super fast speed.
- More Extras : Editable ID3 tags; run program in the background; check updates automatically; change skins or language.
HiDownload Platinum v 7.75
- Accelerated Downloads : By splitting the files into several parts and downloading them at the same time you save time.
- Support rapidshare, megaupload and other similar sites(Premium ***)
- Record Streaming Video and Streaming Audio
- Windows Media™
- Real Audio™ and Real Video™
- QuickTime™
- Flash Video (FLV)
- Streaming MP3 (Shoutcast™)
Platinum Hide IP v
- Anonymize Your Web Surfing : Your real IP is hidden when you surf on the Internet, keeping your online activity from being tracked by others.
- Protect Your Identity : Anonymous web surfing enables you to prevent identity thieves from stealing your identity or other personal information, and keep your computer safe from hacker attacks or other risks.
- Choose IP Country and Check IP : Proxy lists of many countries are enabled and you decide to select one country from the Choose IP Country window. You can check the current IP address directly.
- Send Anonymous Emails : Send anonymous emails through any web based mail system such as Gmail, Hotmail, etc.
- Get Unbanned from Forums and Blocked Websites : Change your IP address and then you can get unbanned yourself from any forums or other blocked websites that have ever banned you from.
DOWNLOAD Platinum Hide IP v incl Patch |1.71 MB|